Social-Emotional Support at Holden

Holden welcomes students and families managing emotional, social, or mental health challenges

Holden’s holistic curriculum supports the five tenets of socio-emotional learning: self-awareness; self-management; social awareness; relationship skills; & responsible decision making. Our students leave with concrete post-graduation plans and the skills to succeed.

All of the following supports are included with tuition. Additional services such as summer session, music camp, and 1-1 tutoring are provided at extra cost.



Resource, Exploration & Support

Sessions can include: exploring student interests, processing emotions, navigating interpersonal relationships & conflict, examining limiting thoughts & beliefs, managing and exploring diagnoses, receiving support in creating change through conscious choices, and more.

The core tenet of Holden’s counseling program is that all humans learn and grow in connection with those around them. Our counselors form supportive, positive relationships with students and act as their allies and advocates. Our Clinical Director has over 20 years of experience working with teens.

                                                         RES Counseling

Holden High School’s Resource, Exploration, and Support (RES) counseling program focuses on providing students with individualized therapeutic support who acts as their advocate on campus. All counseling sessions are built into student schedules, can include family meetings as well as family counseling sessions, and are included with tuition.

Students meet weekly for an hour of support with either a trainee or associate therapist, supervised by Holden’s licensed Clinical Director.

                                                                Community Based Education

Holden empowers students by forming strong relationships and developing effective communication skills. Our program instills the values of collaboration, kindness, and community by building strong positive peer and staff relationships with students.

Our staff boasts over 100 years of collective experience supporting students who experience anxiety and depression. We eagerly collaborate with additional supports such as outside therapists and psychiatrists to provide each student an individualized, holistic education.



Student-Directed Community

We emphasize personal growth and community through self-exploration electives, discussion / affinity groups, athletics, community events, and more.

Students run our community meetings, hold community events, plan field trips, present feedback through Student Council, and practice self-advocacy with staff support.

Examples of student events include ice skating, camping, bowling, mosaic making, and more!



Monthly Support

Parent support group creates a safe place for parents to share their difficulties and successes raising their children. This is a space to share, listen, and connect with other Holden parents. It is facilitated by Jenn Payne, Holden's Clinical Director.
Learn More About Parent Support at Holden


Parent Support Group

Holden High is proud to host a Parent Support Group run by our Clinical Director, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over twenty years of experience working with teenagers and their families. Sessions are held monthly, are open to all student parent / guardians, and cover topics chosen by the group.

                                       Therapeutic Family Meetings

Holden empowers students by forming strong relationships and developing effective communication skills. Our program instills the values of collaboration, kindness, and community by building strong positive peer and staff relationships with students.

Our staff boasts over 100 years of collective experience supporting students who experience anxiety and depression. We eagerly collaborate with additional supports such as outside therapists and psychiatrists to provide each student an individualized, holistic education.



A Holistic Education

At Holden we believe in a whole school, whole child approach. Family Counseling sessions can be requested by the family, school, and / or student and address behavior, academics, transition, advocacy, or any other topics.

Specialized Electives

Holden offers elective courses designed to holistically support students in personal reflection as well as peer communication and connection. Whether it be executive functioning (Study Skills), Anxiety (I’m Freaking Out), socializing practice (Game Time), or self-exploration (Genders and Sexualities; Boys Group), Holden provides a safe space for students to process and work collaboratively.

In addition to social-emotionally focused electives, Holden’s offerings nurture students’ independent academic and personal living skills.  Elective courses designed to assist students with schoolwork and future academic plans include: Second Languages, Math Support Lab, Homework Support Lab, Credit Remediation, College Application Lab, Study Skills, College Process support and counseling, and Grade Level Project Support Lab. We offer electives to nurture their independent living skills, such as: Sewing, Personal Finance, Sexual Education, Gardening and Landscaping, Knitting and Crocheting, Herbalism and Foraging, Resume and Career support, Nutrition, and more!

Holden tailors some electives to student interests. Discussions, showings, and analysis of popular and obscure culture are regularly offered via a variety of elective offerings. Past courses have included: Pop Culture Semiotics, Comics Analysis, Disney / Marvel Discussion, Anime Discussion Group, Obscure Media, Film Club, Film Analysis, Television Discussion, Dungeons and Dragons TTRPG campaigns, and Dystopian Book Club.

Special Circumstances

We want to ensure that Holden is a good fit for all our students. If a prospective student has been in a treatment program or hospitalized, a Holden counseling supervisor must speak with their program or therapist to be considered for acceptance

Unfortunately, Holden is not structured to serve students with medically diagnosed psychoses or psychotic features, those who need line-of-sight supervision, have aggressive behavioral issues, or are currently in crisis. Please contact us if you want to receive clarification on your student’s eligibility.


changing lives since 1969